Watch A bus driver in Georgia was arrested and then fired after pushing two black children.
After being caught on camera attacking two black children, white former bus driver James O'Neil was detained and charged with two counts of battery on Friday. According to Complex, the two kids were 6 and 10 years old. According to the Morgan County Citizen, Morgan Country Charter School System bus driver James O'Neil was detained on Friday on two counts of simple violence in connection with the alleged bus-to-bus altercation.

O'Neil was dismissed from the school system earlier this week as local police authorities looked into the incident. The incident was captured on camera by a kid who observed it. The footage was published to Facebook and quickly became popular. The children's parents, Nene and Blake Carter, attribute O'Neil's termination and arrest to online and community pressure.



The Carters released a statement saying, "We are very relieved that charges were filed and that other parents do not have to fear about the safety of their children when it comes to Mr. O'Neil." We are really grateful to the NAACP for all of their help and support, as well as the community's support.

The siblings' parents, who have protested the event and believe it was racially motivated. James O’Neil, a Morgan County Georgia school bus driver was fired and arrested for pushing the two children.


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