Celebrity couple Zawe Ashton and Tom Hiddleston announced that she is expecting a baby. Marvel veteran and Loki actor Hiddleston and The Marvels actress Zawe Ashton were engaged earlier, in 2022. The actress, who will be portraying the role of a major villain in Capital Marvel 2, recently announced her pregnancy. No due date was announced but this is the first child for both of them. On June 29, Zawe Ashton revealed the special news that she was expecting her first child with fiancĂ© Tom Hiddleston. The British actress wore a beige bead-embellished gown. Celebrity designer Sabina Bilenko told Vogue that it was “a privilege” to work on the dress worn by the British born actress. Ashton also took the fashion outlet inside her glam session, before she walked the red carpet for Mr. Malcolm’s List’s premier in New York City.The celebrity couple starred together in the play Betrayal along with celebrity actor Charlie Cox of Daredevil fame. They acted in the play featured in theaters in the West End, in London and Broadway, in New York City, in 2019.They are also stars of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Tom Hiddleston is currently filming the second season of Loki while Zawe Ashton is acting The Marvels which is scheduled for a release in July 2023.The celebrity couple have kept their relationship private, with minimal PDA. Reports say that they have been together since 2019, if not earlier, when they acted together in Betrayal. The first major public report, in January 2022 said that they were engaged. In June, Tom Hiddleston confirmed the relationship. As the celebrity couple are opening up about their relationship, there's speculation that they might be seen on the red carpet, in a future Marvel production. Tom Hiddleston and Zawe Ashton might even appear as their characters: Loki and an unnamed villain in Captain Marvel, in future, together, though it's too early to predict whether their baby will also appear in MCU.
Image Tom Hiddleston Instagram
Image Zawe Ashton Wikimedia


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