Celebrity actor Kevin Spacey, who was recently charged on four counts of sexual assault in the U.K., said that he would voluntarily appear in a court in that country to face the charges. He also proclaimed his innocence and believed that he would be able to defend himself against the charges. Questions had been raised if he would have to be extradited from the U.S. to the U.K. following which the Oscar winner released a statement. Popular show Good Morning America recently received a statement from the “American Beauty” star. In his statement, Spacey said that he “very much appreciated” the Crown Prosecution Service’s statement “in which they carefully reminded the media and the public” that he was “entitled to a fair trial” and was “innocent until proven otherwise.” He also noted that although he was disappointed that they had decided to place charges of sexual assault against him, he would “voluntarily appear” in the U.K. as soon as it could be arranged. He said that he would defend himself against the charges laid on him and that he was confident of proving his innocence.
Kevin Spacey has been out of the public eye in the past few years. He resurfaced in Cannes 2022 as couple of his new projects: Peter Five Eight and 1242— Gateway to the West were marketed at the film festival.Kevin Spacey has been charged with four counts of sexual assault which involved three men. One of the charges included “causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent.” All the charges stem from the period he was in charge of the Old Vic in London. The celebrity star had taken charge of the iconic theater from 2003 to 2015. In November 2017, the company said that they had received 20 allegations of inappropriate behavior by Kevin Spacey. The star also faced sexual assault charges in the U.S. but all were dropped due to several reasons except a civil case that has been filed in New York.
Image Flickr World Economic Forum


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