On Tuesday, Walmart is debuting its spring collection under two different brands. The two exclusive brands called Free Assembly and Scoop have been designed by Brandon Maxwell. He is a famous designer who has dressed the likes of Michele Obama, Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey and more. He is also a judge on Bravo’s Project Runway.Walmart hired the talented designer last year in its quest to add style to customers’ purchases away from the mundane such as socks, T-shirts and basic apparel.Denise Incandela, executive vice president of apparel and private brands for the retailer in the U.S. said that the designer had the same values that Walmart had, which was to create a beautiful assortment of clothes that would offer exceptional value. Earlier, Maxwell had said that he had grown up shopping at Walmart. The Free Assembly collection will have almost 500 pieces of apparel for men, women and children. It will be available in 1,000 stores across the nation. The prices will range from $8 to $48. The collection emphasizes on “stripes.” The Scoop collection is exclusively for women. There will be totally 56 pieces of designer wear including denim skirts and shoes. It will be available across 500 Walmart stores. The price range will be from $18 to $75. It will feature colors that are bold and vibrant.
Maxwell said that he hoped that people would feel the quality which was something the big box retailer was proud of. He added that clothing was an “intimate experience” and was about how it made one feel. He has designed a colorful catalog and will also be designing the summer collection for the labels. On last week’s earnings call Doug McMillon, CEO of Walmart, called out apparel sales as a strong category during the holiday quarter. The company is developing its fashion niche, although groceries continue to account for over 60 percent of its business.


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