Jennifer Lopez took to social media site Instagram on Tuesday to share a heartwarming tribute to her twins Emme Maribel and Maximilian ‘Max’ David whom she shares with former husband Marc Anthony. The twins turned 14 on 2/22/22. She posted her tribute to them. She calls them her coconuts and said that they still like the nickname. The 52-year old Jenny from the Block singer reposted a video montage of some of the sweetest moments they have shared as a family, right from when she was pregnant with the twins to baby pictures and more. They were a large number of photos of her bonding with the twins. She also gushed about them in a voice over as “Slow Down” a lyrical track from Nicole Nordeman played in the background. She also captioned it with several lines of text where she described them as “my babies”, “my sunshine” and “my loves. The “Let’s Get Loud” singer also said “Happiest of birthdays to my two coconuts” and added the hashtags Max and Lulu.In case you have not as yet guessed, yes Jennifer Lopez has earlier said that the nickname coconut has been a part of their lives from when they were babies. When she recently appeared on Live with Kelly and Ryan, she said that she liked to think that her children liked the nickname, although they were like “little adults.”JLo said that she called them coconuts because they obviously were twins and she found it cute to call them coconuts. She also said that as babies their hair looked like coconut hair and so she called them her coconuts. She also added that the name “stuck” to them. Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony were married from 2004 to 2014. They are the proud parents of twins Max and Lulu. She is now dating Good Will Hunting star Ben Affleck from 2021, after she broke off her engagement with Yankee star Alex Rodriguez.
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Es sábado y el cuerpo lo sabe
— jlo 💍 (@JLo) February 19, 2022


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