Fans of rousing crime series on Netflix are in for a treat mid March as the streaming platform is set to premiere the wild story of Sarma Melngailis, a restaurateur who ran one of the most successful vegan cuisine businesses in New York.The four-part docuseries Bad Vegan: Fame, Fraud, Fugitives will unveil how 49-year old Melngailis ended up in prison after being one of the vegan industry’s most popular figures. She was arrested for allegedly stealing and disappearing with $2 million from her own restaurant.The story showcases the downfall of the vegan cuisine queen detailing how she was influenced and manipulated by her husband Anthony Strangis whom she first met on Twitter. Strangis manipulated her by offering promises of the expansion of her food kingdom and also immortality for her beloved pitbull. Melngailis believed that her dog Leon would be immortal if she passed the series of tests set by him to prove her loyalty, according to a report in Vanity Fair.Melngailis had reportedly transferred a huge amount of more than $1.6 million from the restaurant’s funds to her personal account to fulfil her husband’s desires. In May 2015, the couple fled with the money leaving the employees unpaid. The restaurant called Pure Food and Wine closed in July 2015. She spent the money on luxury items, at casinos as well as on travel.Her problems began in January 15, when the employees staged protests outside the restaurant accusing Melngailis of not paying them. They also often talked about the mystery behind the relationship between Sarma and Anthony, suspecting blackmail might have been involved.The two were caught by the police in 2016 after she ordered a Domino’s pizza using her husband’s credit card. She was sentenced to 3 months in prison and was also ordered to repay the sum involved in the fraud.After coming out of prison, she maintained a low profile and started sharing a few posts of her life on social media. She has also worked with the Netflix film crew, on this series that might have added value to the film. The series will premiere on Netflix on March 16th 2022. Bad Vegan might thrill many who have been waiting for an engaging real life to reel life docuseries on Netflix.
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